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Who We Are

Grace Pediatrics has been serving the Metro Detroit community for over 40 years. At Grace Pediatrics our mission is to provide excellent medical care in a family centered environment. Our philosophy is shared by all our staff, from physicians to the front desk. We value the relationships with our families, and enjoy caring for newborns through young adults. We appreciate the trust that our families place in us, and feel privileged to be a part of their children’s lives. We strive to remain accessible to families and this is reflected with our outlook. Our goal is to be partners with our parents to help raise healthy children, both physically and emotionally. We look forward to providing quality care for your children.

About Us: About

Our Providers


Annamma Pullukat, M.D.

Dr. Annamma Pullukat received her Medical Degree from Kottayam Medical College and completed her pediatric training at Children's Hospital of Michigan.

Dr. Annamma Pullukat has over 40 years experience in the medical field and started Grace Pediatrics almost 40 years ago. Her sense of nurturing and medical expertise has led Grace Pediatrics to where it is today. She takes great pride and joy working with her patient families, and loves seeing the grandchildren of her former patients! 


Roy Pullukat, M.D.

Dr. Roy Pullukat graduated from the University of Michigan, received his Medical Degree from Wayne State University, and completed his pediatric residency at Beaumont Hospital.

"One of the aspects I love of being a pediatrician is the mentoring role I am able to have with children. Being able to care for a child from a newborn and watching them grow into young adults is a great joy and privilege. Through this I enjoy taking on a mentorship role and helping navigate my patients through life, getting them to be the best person they can be!

I look forward to working with you and your children through the coming years!"


Kim Hodge, Office Manager.

Kim Hodge has been the Office Manager of Grace Pediatrics since it opened almost 40 years ago.

She has over 40 years of experience in being an office manager. In those 40 years she has worked through various iterations of insurance coverage and referral requirements. These experiences have given her the knowledge to work through any needs your child is having in their medical coverage.

About Us: Team Members
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